Save Your Company Time in the Long Run by Conducting a Site Survey Prior to Purchasing a Labeling System

Searching for the ideal labeling system is about more than purchasing machinery. It’s about acquiring a system that will work in harmony with your entire operation and be a vital asset to your overall productivity. The right equipment means optimal efficiency, ensuring that no downtime will occur because of inadequate machinery. A quality manufacturer understands these needs and works as a trusted partner in helping you make this very important buying decision.

A site survey is the most effective way for a manufacturer to grasp the scope of your labeling requirements. CTM’s experienced sales reps offer a thorough, four-page site survey that identifies key aspects of a site and the particular areas that require accommodation. Along with in-depth details provided in the site survey, photos and videos capture all of the information that will determine the ideal labeling system for your production.

Strong communication between manufacturer and customer remains one of the most crucial aspects of a site survey. CTM believes in working with you during the pre-planning stages. Through this proactive approach, we listen to your needs and begin a lasting relationship. The teamwork continues with CTM well beyond the buying process.

CTM sales reps value your time; that’s why the survey provides exact information with no redundancies regarding your labeling needs. We thoroughly review the site survey with you, giving you the pertinent details to make the best decision on your next labeling system.

A site survey is just one step in the process of purchasing a labeling system. CTM has developed a free guidethat carefully explains everything you should look for as you begin the search. We invite you to download our white paper today, and use this vital tool to ensure the efficiency and productivity of your business.

Download our labeling system planning guide